Programs, Liner Notes, & Documents Gnesin State Musical-Pedagogical Institution; 50 Year Anniversary of the Gnesin College, 1895-1945; Moscow, 1945 Program for 50th Anniversary Concert of the Gnesin College. February 15, 1945 Program for 50th Anniversary Concert of the Gnesin College. February 15, 1945. Second to last on the program was Gregory Haimovsky, performing Mendelssohn-Liszt “Wedding March” The bearer of this diploma, Gregory Samuilovich Haimovsky, entered the Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music specializing in piano in 1946 and graduated in 1950. The State Examining Board avowed him qualification as a pianist-soloist, June 30, 1950. Seal, President of the State Examining Board, Aram Khachaturian Characteristic of Gregory Samuilovich Haimovsky: Student of his 5th year of the piano department of Moscow State Conservatory. Gregory Haimovsky is an extremely gifted pianist. His outstanding performing abilities, artistic temperament, and the breadth of his musical interests allow us to expect Haimovsky will grow into a prominent Soviet pianist. Vice-rector of the P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music, Professor G. A, Orvid; Dean of Piano Department, Y. I. Zak May 5, 1964, Glinka State Conservatory of Music, Gorky, USSR. Chamber Music of the 20th Century: Georges Auric, Andre Jolivet, Olivier Messiaen, and Henri Dutilleux. Works by Olivier Messiaen: “Le baiser de l’Enfant-Jésus” from Vingt regards sur l’Enfant-Jésus and Rondeau (Gregory Haimovsky, piano); Harawi (Nina Cherednikova, soprano and Gregory Haimovsky, piano) 2. Bonjour toi, colombe verte 9. L’escalier redit, gestes du soleil 7. Adieu Visions de l’Amen, 2 movements (Isaac Katz and Gregory Haimovsky, piano) May 5, Glinka State Conservatory of Music, Gorky, USSR. Chamber Music of the 20th Century: Georges Auric, Andre Jolivet, Olivier Messiaen, and Henri Dutilleux. Works by Olivier Messiaen: “Le baiser de l’Enfant-Jésus” from Vingt regards sur l’Enfant-Jésus and Rondeau (Gregory Haimovsky, piano); Harawi (Nina Cherednikova, soprano and Gregory Haimovsky, piano) 2. Bonjour toi, colombe verte 9. L’escalier redit, gestes du soleil 7. Adieu Visions de l’Amen, 2 movements (Isaac Katz and Gregory Haimovsky, piano) November 3, 1964, Glinka State Conservatory of Music, Gorky, USSR. Music of the 20th Century. Concert on French Composers: Jean-Yves Daniel-Lesur, Darius Milhaud, and Olivier Messiaen. Introductory remarks by Gregory Haimovsky. Work by Olivier Messiaen: Thème et variations (Georgi Vassiliev, violin, and Gregory Haimovsky, piano). First performance in the USSR. November 3, 1964, Glinka State Conservatory of Music, Gorky, USSR. Music of the 20th Century. Concert on French Composers: Jean-Yves Daniel-Lesur, Darius Milhaud, and Olivier Messiaen. Introductory remarks by Gregory Haimovsky. Work by Olivier Messiaen: Thème et variations (Georgi Vassiliev, violin, and Gregory Haimovsky, piano). First performance in the USSR. April 27, 1967, First Philharmony Monograph Concert, Olivier Messiaen. Concert Hall of the Nizhni Novgorod Philharmonic, Nizhni Novgorod, USSR. November 25, 1968, Oiseaux exotiques (Chamber Ensemble of the Soloists of the Radio and TV Orchestra of the USSR, Gennady Rozhdestvensky, conductor; Gregory Haimovsky, piano). Premiere performance in the USSR. February 11, 1968, Official premiere, State Philharmony, Malyi Hall, Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music, Moscow, USSR. Quatour pour la fin du temps (Mark Baranov, violin; Viktor Simon, cello; Vladimir Tupikin, clarinet; and Gregory Haimovsky, piano) 1. Liturgie de cristal 2. Vocalise, pour l’ange qui annonce la fi n du temps 3. Abîme des oiseaux 4. Intermède 5. Louange à l’éternité de Jésus 6. Danse de la fureur, pour les sept trompettes 7. Foullis d’arcs-en-ciel, pour l’ange qui annonce la fi n du temps 8. Louange à l’immortalite de Jésus Program notes for Quatour pour la fin du temps by Gregory Haimovsky April, 12, 1971, 600 Concerts of Chamber Orchestra of Lithuania, Vilnius, Lithuania. Trois petites liturgies de la présence divine (Chamber Orchestra of Lithuania; Philharmonic Choir of the School of Arts; Saulius Sondeckis, conductor; Gregory Haimovsky, piano) 1. Antienne de la conversation intérieure 2. Séquence du verbe, cantique divine 3. Psalmodie de l’ubiquité par amour April, 12, 1971, 600 Concerts of Chamber Orchestra of Lithuania, Vilnius, Lithuania. Trois petites liturgies de la présence divine (Chamber Orchestra of Lithuania; Philharmonic Choir of the School of Arts; Saulius Sondeckis, conductor; Gregory Haimovsky, piano) 1. Antienne de la conversation intérieure 2. Séquence du verbe, cantique divine 3. Psalmodie de l’ubiquité par amour May 8, 1971, Official premiere, Moscow State Philharmonic, Bolshoi Hall of the Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music, “Moscow Stars” Arts Festival. Turangalîla-Symphonie (USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov, conductor; Gregory Haimovsky, piano) May 8, 1971, Official premiere, Moscow State Philharmonic, Bolshoi Hall of the Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music, “Moscow Stars” Arts Festival. Turangalîla-Symphonie (USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov, conductor; Gregory Haimovsky, piano) September 10 and 11, 1971, Official premiere, Lithuania State Philharmony Society, Third All-Union Chamber Music Festival, Vilnius, Lithuania. Trois petites liturgies de la présence divine (Chamber Orchestra of Lithuania; Philharmonic Choir of the School of Arts; Saulius Sondeckis, conductor; Gregory Haimovsky piano) 1. Antienne de la conversation intérieure 2. Séquence du verbe, cantique divine 3. Psalmodie de l’ubiquité par amour September 10 and 11, 1971, Official premiere, Lithuania State Philharmony Society, Third All-Union Chamber Music Festival, Vilnius, Lithuania. Trois petites liturgies de la présence divine (Chamber Orchestra of Lithuania; Philharmonic Choir of the School of Arts; Saulius Sondeckis, conductor; Gregory Haimovsky piano) 1. Antienne de la conversation intérieure 2. Séquence du verbe, cantique divine 3. Psalmodie de l’ubiquité par amour Envelope; letter from Olivier Messiaen to Gregory Haimovsky, 1971 Letter from Olivier Messiaen to Gregory Haimovsky, 1971 Autograph from Olivier Messiaen: “For Gregory Haimovsky. In all gratitude to you my friend.” April 16, 1988